Benefits of a Non-Backwashing Acid Neutralizer
- Threaded PVC connectors make installation easy
- No backwash, which conserves water and extends the life of your well pump — great for low yielding wells
- Eliminates corrosion of your plumbing and water appliances
- No channeling of the media bed
- No electrical hookup needed
- Can be installed anywhere
- Full five-year warranty on all parts and media
How a Non-Backwashing Acid Neutralizer Works
As water enters through the valve, it flows down the water distribution tube and is evenly dispersed through a distribution basket at the end of the tube. Water then flows upwards through the media bed to the main household supply line. This allows maximum contact with the neutralizing media for your household water supply and eliminates channeling of the media bed. Additionally, water pH is raised to an acceptable level.